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Changing XP Taskbar like Windows 7

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A few days ago I get a software that is used to change the look of Windows XP taskbar to look like the taskbar in windows 7. Views taskbar of windows 7 is megagumkan, so there are some parties who want to change the XP taskbar like Windows 7.
Software that I get is ViGlance OneStep V1, this software is only the size of about 281 Kb and very easy digunkan.
For those of you who are interested to change the XP taskbar to resemble windows 7 can directly download the application here. Although this application is very small and only a few clicks away, but the results are quite satisfactory.
Here is one example of a display image which has been my XP taskbar change with the help of the software.

How Computers Work

In this article I tried to explain about how computers work. Realize that every time your computer will happen menghidupakan a process called booting. This process involves three activities namely CPU Reset, Power-On-Self-Test (POST), and the last disk boot.

Mendapatkan Uang Dari Facebook

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Sebagian besar orang yang mengenal internet pasti mengenal Facebook. Sebuah jaringan
sosial yang menghubungkan jutaan penggunanya. Apakah anda sering berbagi data misal foto,dokumen,dll
dengan teman anda melalui Facebook???? jika ya...,selamat anda memiliki peluang untuk mendapatkan $$$$
dari anda berfacebook ria <:)---

Mo tau caranya...???baca terus aje...